Course Syllabus


Neurological Disorders and Diseases

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Semester & Location:

Fall 2024 - DIS Copenhagen

Type & Credits:

Elective Course - 3 credits

Major Disciplines:

Biomedicine/Biotechnology, Neuroscience, Pre-Medicine/Health Science


One year of biology and one year of chemistry at the university level. It is highly recommended, but not required, that students have taken the equivalent of an introductory neuroscience course. 

Faculty Members:

Bettina Hornbøll Borch and Martin Prener

Program contact:

Current students please use the canvas inbox to contact your faculty

Program Director:

Susana Dietrich

Time & Place:

Tuesdays 160min in the timeframe of 13:15 - 17:30, please see the individual times in the canvas calendar as they are subject to change from class to class.

Location: N7-B12



 IMG_1966 (2)-1.jpg Martin Prener, MD
MD (University of Copenhagen, 2020). Has several years of experience in clinical neurology and has published five scientific papers in the field of neuroscience. Currently employed at the Department og Neurology, Rigshospitalet Blegdamsvej, as a research assistent. With DIS since 2024.


Bettina Hornbøll Borch, PhD

Ph.D. (Neuroscience, University of Copenhagen, 2017), MSc. (Neurobiology, University of Copenhagen, 2006), BA (Biology, University of Copenhagen, 2004). Has been conducting neuroscience research for approx. 10 years, investigating emotion processing in the brain using imaging. With DIS since 2012.


Course Description

This course examines neuroscience with a molecular approach. Featuring central topics of clinical neurology and neuroscience, the students will be introduced to the vast subject of the brain. Lectures will give a selection of diseases as viewed from both the scientist and the clinician.

Scientifically, we will focus on normal physiology and anatomy, neurotransmitter function and, when confronted with disease, how disease can be studied in animal models.

Clinically, we will show how to examine patients and do the diagnostic work-up. We will present patient cases with relevance to the topic, discuss methods of treatment, and explain how this is linked to neuro-scientific studies.

Additionally, practical neurology and neuroscience in Denmark will be discussed and modeled through field studies.


Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Provide a basic introduction into anatomy and physiology of the brain and nerves
  • Understand symptoms and signs of major neurological disorders and diseases and their respective treatments
  • Understand the neurobiological substrates of these neurological disorders and how they are studied
  • Apply neuroanatomical principles to predict signs and symptoms of disorders
  • Describe neurological clinical practice in a scientific context


Approach to Teaching

The course will be taught with a dynamic where the students are expected to participate in an interactive way by contributing questions, opinions, and explanations. 


Expectations of Students & Code of Conduct

  • Laptops are not allowed to be open in the classroom unless agreed upon for specified tasks such as article reading or for discussion purposes (tasks will be agreed upon in each class).
  • Reading must be done prior to the class session.
  • Since class participation is a major component of the course, you will need to be present and participating to receive full credit. Your grade will be deducted for unexcused absences and lack of participation. Remember to be in class on time!
  • If you unexpectedly have to miss class due to being sick or are running late to class, please send an email to your teachers.
  • Classroom etiquette includes being respectful of one another’s opinions, listening to others, and entering a dialogue in a constructive manner


Field Studies

Field studies serve to complement your course work by placing you in other contexts than class in order to compare, extend, and rethink what has been (or will be) read and discussed in class.


Participation covers the following areas:

  1. Attendance
  2. Level of preparation and ability to answer questions asked in class
  3. Active participation in class and small group discussions

To prepare for each day, you are required to read all assigned material. You are expected to attend all DIS classes when scheduled, and attendance and participation will be consistently monitored: in class, at field studies, and on study tours. If you miss multiple classes, the Office of Academic Support will be notified and they will follow-up with you to make sure that all is well.  Absences will jeopardize your grade and your standing at DIS.  Allowances will be made in cases of illness; however, for multiple absences, you will need to provide a doctor’s note.

Evaluation and Grading

Case assignment I


Case assignment II


Group presentation


Exam #1


Exam #2






To be eligible for a passing grade in this class, you must complete all of the assigned work.


Late papers and/or assignments

Late papers will be accepted, but your grade for the paper will be reduced by half a letter grade for each day that it is late.

Use of Laptops or Phones in Class

Use of phones in class is not allowed. Laptop use is only allowed for group and project work.


Academic Regulations  

Please make sure to read the Academic Regulations on the DIS website. There you will find regulations on: 

 DIS - Study Abroad in Scandinavia -


Questions and feedback

If you have questions on the readings, lectures, or assignments, you are always welcome to contact us by email. Alternatively, you can email the program assistant at Science & Health to setup an appointment or ask a question. 

DIS Contacts

Susana Dietrich, Program Director,
Science & Health Program Office: Vestergade 7-37


Required Readings

  • To be picked up at DIS library: Essential Neurology, Wilkinson I and Lennox G, 4th ed. 2005
  • On canvas: Any relevant reading material will be posted on the course page on Canvas; please check it regularly.


Course Literature

Albert SJ, Kesselring J. Neurorehabilitation of stroke. J Neurol. 2012 May; 259(5):817-32. (15pp)

Cavanaugh et al., Animal Models of Alzheimer Disease: Historical Pitfalls and a Path Forward, ALTEX 2014, PMID 24793844

Duty & Jenner, Animal models of Parkinson's disease: a source of novel treatments and clues to the cause of the disease, Br J Pharmacol, 2011, PMID 21486284

Masters et al., Alzheimer's disease, Nature Reviews 2015, PMID 27188934

Mark F. Bear, Barry W. Connors, Michael A. Paradiso: Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain, 4th Edition, 2016 - Relevant pages 

Medcalf RL, Davis SM. Plaminogen activation and thrombolysis for ischemic stroke, Int J Stroke, 2012 Jul;7(5):419-25. (6PP)

Poewe et al., Parkinson disease, Nature Reviews 2017, PMID 28332488

Ransohoff et al. Animal models of multiple sclerosis: the good, the bad and the bottom line, Nat Neurosci 2012, PMID    22837037

Rocchi et al., Recent imaging advances in neurology, J Neurol 2015 PMID 25808503

Rubio et al. In Vivo Experimental Models of Epilepsy, Cent Nerv Syst Agents Med Chem, 2010, PMID 20868357

Scharfman, The Neurobiology of Epilepsy, Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep, 2007, PMID 17618543

Van der Stayy, Evaluation of animal models of neurobehavioral disorders, Behav Brain Funct 2009, PMID    19243583




Course Summary:

Date Details Due