Course Syllabus


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Semester & Location:

Spring 2024 - DIS Copenhagen

Type & Credits:

Elective Course - 6 credits

Major Disciplines:

Pre-Medicine / Health Science, Neuroscience, Public Health


One year each of biology and chemistry at university level. Laboratory experience at university level is recommended.

Research Mentor:

Blanca Irene Aldana Garcia, PhD

RA Supervisor:

Jeanette Erbo Wern  

Research Director:

Susana Dietrich -

Academic Support:

The 6-Credit Research Assistantship

The 6-Credit Research Assistantship (6RA) is an experiential learning opportunity that allows you to develop research skills in a professional research setting.  As a research assistant, you perform research under the supervision of a mentor (a lead scientist in the external research group). The mentor is able to offer both academic and professional advice. In addition to acquiring research experience, the goal is to develop a student/mentor relationship that benefits both the DIS student and Copenhagen-based research institutions.

  • Approach to teaching

In general, the 6RA is designed for highly motivated students with a strong interest in developing their research skills. You will experience a hands-on class in a laboratory setting also including theoretical hours, where you will read, write and prepare your research. You will be part of an active research team and experience the dynamics of a European research institution. You will be provided with the basic scientific knowledge of the field and be introduced to the methods and techniques needed to conduct the experiments. Regarding teaching style, especially in the laboratory setting, the approach is "learning by doing". For the theoretical parts, you are expected to immerse yourselves in the topic and take responsibility so you achieve the highest learning outcome by actively participating in discussions and presentations. 

Responsibilities and Expectations of the Mentor

Your research project will be part of a larger, ongoing research project at the research institution. Your mentor and/or co-mentors will guide you on methodology, techniques and advise as to ethical considerations, provide feedback throughout the research process, and help you find resources to conduct your research on-site.  A gradual transition toward independence is encouraged as you gain more confidence transforming into a more self-directed and self-motivated project under the mentor’s guidance and supervision. It is important, that the project reflect your work, as a 6RA student, not only your mentor’s contribution.  

It is not expected that you pursue a project where you are able to obtain definitive publishable results. The project chosen and agreed upon between you and your mentor should be focused and designed to produce results within the DIS semester calendar. While it is not necessary for the results to be significant (in that the results find a solution to the problem or hypothesis proposed), arguably any results to the proposed question are significant to the next phase of a research project.  

  • The Research in Professor Blanca Aldana´s lab

Blanca Aldana´s laboratory (NeuroMet) focuses on the study of brain energy- and neurotransmitter metabolism and its impact on neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer´s disease and Frontotemporal dementia. Presently, the investigations in NeuroMet take advantage of diverse brain-derived preparations including cell cultures of neurons and astrocytes, brain slices and cutting edge cell-based model systems such as hiPSC-brain cells and brain organoids, as well as high-output biochemical methodologies for dynamic metabolic mapping and for investigating bioenergetics.

Responsibility and Expectations of the student

Specific expectations of you as a student is agreed upon with your mentor at the beginning of the semester. However, in general it requires that you:

  1. Spend an average of 20 hours per week carrying out the research project. You will need to arrange a schedule with your mentor which will allow you to complete the required hours performing a combination of theoretical and hands-on research at the external research institution.
  2. Arrange project check-in meetings with your external research mentor and/or co-mentor(s) at mutual agreed time intervals during the semester. Clear and continuous communication with your research mentor throughout the semester is a necessary part of the research project and it is expected that you initiates those meetings 
  3. Submit semester assignments on time including a literature review,  a outline of the research project, a journal club presentation, a final research paper and a recorded "talk-over" powerpoint or poster presentation, or another type of video format as agreed on with your mentor
  4. Present your research findings at the "End-of-Semester" Showcase in a format appropriate to the project like a powerpoint or poster presentation. The final format is to be determined with your mentor during the semester and approved by DIS

During the theoretical part you are expected to read and write relevant scientific literature in relation to your research project and use your newly-gained knowledge to critically evaluate the research component, ask relevant questions and actively participate in research discussions within the field. During the practical part you are expected to actively engage by planning and performing your own experiments and carefully monitor the conducted experiments and analyzing the collected data. You are expected/encouraged to critically evaluate possible issues if experiments do not go as expected and come up with ideas to modifications or reflect on potential mistakes.

Overall, it is important to be enthusiastic about the project. Carrying out a research project is not a straightforward and predictable process as you are creating new (and at times unexpected) knowledge. This is part of what makes research exciting but at times also challenging! 

Learning outcomes for the Research Project include:

  • Obtain hands-on research experience in s laboratory setting
  • Learn the ability to plan, conduct and critically evaluate experimental laboratory data
  • Obtain the ability to perform self-directed and self-motivated experimental research
  • Be able to actively participate in scientific discussions with a critical approach to the research
  • Learn how to write a research paper and present experimental data in a professional way
  • Learn ethical standards and academic integrity in a research process
  • Experience the authenticity of research, including the unpredictabilities, the unexpected challenges and unknowns that is part of doing research.

Description of Assignments and Grading Evaluation 

Throughout the semester, you are expected to fulfill various assignments. To be eligible for a passing grade in 6RA, all of the assignments must be completed. It will be your mentor that assess your work and assign your final grade.

The factors influencing the final grade and their weights are shown in the following table:



Literature Summary  Review


Outline of the Research Project:

Written Project


Oral Presentation of the Project


Oral Presentation at Journal Club


Research Paper:

Written Project


Recorded Oral Presentation




The literature summary review is an opportunity to seek out existing peer-reviewed articles and in that way enhance your scientific knowledge within the research area and kickstart your research project. In addition, it is essential that you have knowledge of previously produced research by the research institution with which they are working.

An outline of the research project will provide you with an overall research plan and help structure your research during the semester. By creating an outline, you will be able to better comprehend the objective of your efforts. The mentor will also be able to use the outline to assess areas in which you current knowledge and understanding may be lacking.

The research paper is the final product of your research assistantship. In the paper, you will explain your work throughout the semester including the methodologies you have used, the overall process, the project’s significance, and the contribution to the field of research in which you have engaged. Please note: this research paper is not produced with the intent of publishing, but if you put in the hours and effort it may end up being a publication. 

At the "End-of-semester" showcase you will present the research you have carried out throughout the semester in a format agreed on with your mentor and approved by DIS

Participation is an central part of laboratory-based research! To receive full credit, you are required to be present at all the scheduled research sessions in and outside of the lab and actively participate and engage in the experimental work including the theoretical parts. The final participation grade is based on 

  • Attendance and the level of preparation, planning, and conduction of the experimental research work at the research place as well as your level of self-directed and self-motivated research work
  • Your overall contribution to research discussions with the research group in general, at journal clubs, and at project presentations

Journal Clubs

Journal clubs are research presentations followed by discussions organized by the research place. They are occasions for detailed discussions within a specific research area and for development of excellent presentation skills which is required of researchers today; They also serve as an exercise of reading and doing critical thinking of research papers as well as interbedding experimental data.

The research paper that you choose to present during a Journal Club, should be related to your research area. If you are more than one DIS students in the same lab, the other student(s) should also read the paper and prepare questions for the journal club discussion.

The presentation should have a logical and clear structure and provide relevant information on the background, methods, conclusions, and future perspectives of the presented work. The original data reported in the paper should be presented and discussed in a clear way.


Note that many US colleges/universities require their students who are participating in research at home or abroad to acquire Institutional Review Board approval. Examples include:

  • Research involving human subjects
  • If the results of any research conducted during your semester with DIS involving human subjects are to be made public or published in the US

You are responsible for confirming whether home IRB-approval is required and, if so, for seeking the approval of your home schools IRB. In addition, all research conducted in Europe must adhere to GDPR regulations, as noted above.


There will be several DIS workshops planned for research students during the semester. The content of the workshops is subject to change and may include overviews/introductions of skills your mentor will expect you to execute, as well as discussions on the goals of research and the ways in which research questions are culturally and historically-contingent. Workshop examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Literature Search and Citation Skills
  • Research Ethics
  • Interpreting and Analyzing Data and the Significance of Results
  • Communicating Research Findings (including poster production)
  • Structure of Abstracts and Research Paper

Course Location

This DIS course will be located at an external institution - Please schedule first meeting with your mentor within the two first week of semesterstart and get location and direction.

Before Arrival to Copenhagen

Once accepted you will be connected to your mentor(s) via email. You will then contact your mentor(s) and briefly introduce yourself further. Please note some mentors may give you 10 – 15 hours of research literature to read before your semester start.

DIS Research Resources: More information can be found on this page.

Disability and Resource Statement
Any student who has a need for accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the Office of Academic Support ( in Copenhagen, in Stockholm) to coordinate. To receive accommodations, students should inform the instructor of approved DIS accommodations within the first two weeks of classes.


Please make sure to read the Academic Regulations on the DIS website. There you will find regulations on: 

Academic Honesty - Plagiarism and Violating the Rules of an Assignment
DIS expects that students abide by the highest standards of intellectual honesty in all academic work. DIS assumes that all students do their own work and credit all work or thought taken from others. Academic dishonesty will result in a final course grade of “F” and can result in dismissal. The students’ home universities will be notified. DIS reserves the right to request that written student assignments be turned in electronic form for submission to plagiarism detection software. See the Academic Handbook for more information, or ask your instructor if you have questions.

DIS Contact

Tina Mangieri, PhD, DIS Associate Academic Director and Research Director:

Jeanette Erbo Wern, PhD, DIS Copenhagen faculty and Copenhagen Research Assistant Supervisor: 


DIS - Study Abroad in Scandinavia -

Course Summary:

Date Details Due