Course Syllabus

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Semester & Location:

Summer Session 2024 - DIS Copenhagen

Type & Credits:

Core Course - 3 credits

Study Tours: London
Major Disciplines:

Business, Management, Strategy, Marketing

Faculty Members:

Leif Rasmussen & Peter Friis-Mikkelsen

Place:  F24-202
Time: See detailed syllabus on Canvas under Files



Course Description

You will learn both classical strategy theories and contemporary implementation tools applied to a case study based on the well-known international company H&M. H&M is an interesting business strategy subject with regards to the impacts of the pandemic and the digital transformation of retail. Combining background information supplied in class and your own research, you will gain valuable insights to perform proper analyzes of the company’s market situation and international opportunities. Based on the analyzes and the theoretic toolsets you will create a strategy and implementation plan which can scale worldwide. By visiting the company in various locations and using specific tools, you will discuss and learn how to make plans for implementation of the strategy – including considerations about cultural differences.

Such a process cannot be successful without proper leadership. Consequently, we will focus on the management perspectives of developing and executing business strategies, and the introduction to management theory is supplemented with practical use of management tools in the case.


Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  • Analyze business models and strategies of a European company and based on these analyzes create proposals for new strategies based on Porter’s theories.
  • Understand how to transform strategies into implementation plans.
  • Understand the connections between strategy and motivation in a company.
  • Apply critical thinking in analyzing empirical/corporate information.
  • Engage in group projects in a structured and efficient manner.


Leif Rasmussen

2008 -                CEO and owner of Trading companies

2008 -                Consultant, Sales and Marketing Strategies

2008 -                Faculty at DIS

1995 – 2008:    Member of Executive Board, Royal Unibrew

1995 – 2007:    Member/Chairman of Supervisory Boards.

1987 – 1995:    Marketing Director, Danish Brewery Group

1982 – 1987:    Consultant and Account Manager, Ted Bates Advertising Agency

1982:                  Cand. Merc, Copenhagen Business School

1975 – 1982:     Product Manager, Irma

1975:                  General Business Administration, Copenhagen Business School, N. Brock



Peter Friis-Mikkelsen

2012 –             CEO and owner of PerForM Consulting and Coaching Institute

2011 – 2012:  VP Europe, Medical Insight A/S

2008 – 2011:  VP Sales, ScanJour

1998 – 2008:  Acc. Mgr., Partner Group Manager, Business Manager SME, Microsoft Denmark &   


1993 – 1998:  Large Acc. Mgr. Digital Equipment Corporation

1991 – 1993:  Consultant and team lead, Hafnia Insurance & Banking Group

2008:               Managing IT Strategically, Copenhagen Business School/SIMI

1991:               Master of Law, Copenhagen University





  • Article: Fordham International Law Journal: Fifty years of European Integration: A remarkable achievement
  • Article: Michael E. Porter: The five competitive forces that shape Strategy
  • Article: Michael E. Porter: What is strategy
  • “Global Marketing and Advertising, Understanding Cultural Paradoxes” by Marieke de Mooij
  • Osterwalder, Alexander : “Business Model Generation”, 2009


Study Tour

5 days in London with business relevant visits, but also cultural visits and time on own. Finally we will visit the world famous university in Oxford and meet with international students from the university.

Approach to Teaching

The teaching style is highly interactive and experiential with a mix of theory/tools and their application in practice. The course will include in-class case work and simulations, in-class practicing of tools in pairs and in groups.

Expectations of the Students

You are expected to have an interest in exploring management in a business context – and to integrate the learning about strategy with the learning about management to help you execute the strategies and lead teams to achieve the strategic goals.



Grade components:

Assignment 1:  Approx. 6-page paper and a group presentation of analyzes and corresponding strategies counts for 20%.

Assignment 2:  Approx. 10-page paper and a group presentation of chosen strategy plus specific and detailed plans for implementation counts for 40%

Assignment 3:  Group presentation of the business impact of cultural differences. Counts for 15%

Engagement: This class requires a high level of motivation and active participation in class and during the Study Tour. Attendance is mandatory. The following is expected from students:

  • Active and constructive participation in class discussions
  • Having prepared properly for every class
  • Being able to address the readings critically during class, thus displaying a good understanding of the subject matter
  • Being able to collaborate well with your assigned team and delivering elaborate and analytical papers and presentations.

Engagement counts for 25%

Academic Regulations (Summer)

Please make sure to read the Academic Regulations on the DIS website. There you will find regulations on:


DIS - Study Abroad in Scandinavia -


Course Summary:

Date Details Due