Course Syllabus

Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism from a European Perspective DIS Logo


Semester & Location:

Summer 2024,, session 2 - DIS Copenhagen

Type & Credits:

Summer Course

Core Course Study Tours:

Munich & Nuremberg, Germany: June 24-28

Major Disciplines:

International Relations, Political Science

Faculty Members:

Steen Kjærgaard

Time & Place:

Times vary (see calendar)

Classroom: N7-C25


Description of Course

The notion of labelling someone as a terrorist or an event as an act of terrorism is one of the most disputed and politicised actions in modern times of conflict and violence. For some, Osama bin Laden was a terrorist, whilst for others, he was a freedom fighter. It all depends on the perspective in use. The tragic events surrounding Gaza have again highlighted the need for more profound knowledge of this old, deep-rooted phenomenon. By attending this class, you will gain knowledge on the basics of terrorism, the history of European terrorism and, not least, the paradoxes and dilemmas revolving around how to counter terrorism and radicalization most effectively. 

According to the 2023 Global Terrorism Index (GTI), Ideologically motivated terrorism continues to be the most prominent and deadliest form of terrorism in Europe. On a global scale, Islamic State (IS) and its affiliates remain the world’s deadliest terrorist group in 2023 - for the eighth consecutive year. GTI forwards that terrorism thrives in countries with poor ecologies and climate-induced shocks.

While the predominant terrorism threat in Europe still comes from militant Islamist actors, far-right extremists and, even more recently, anti-establishment movements (e.g. anti-vax groups) pose an increasing risk of violent extremism. Of particular concern is the growing threat to a smaller target set of groups - namely religious and ethnic minorities, individuals and groups with opposing political views and people identifying as LGBT+. The shootings in Oslo, Norway, in 2010 are the low peak to bear evidence that Right-wing extremism bears the potential for violence and terrorism on European soil and thereby adds to the concerns.

Because radicalization and violent radicalization exist within the European States, robust counterterrorism operations bolstered legal frameworks, and comprehensive social anti-radicalization programs have been established. Such actions come with several inherent paradoxes and dilemmas. For example, will the need for collective security justify restrictions on individual freedoms? Or what about freedom of speech? 

This course studies terrorism—its causes, aims, and forms—focusing on counterterrorism and the measures introduced by the international community and individual states. It examines the implications of terrorism for European politics and the different approaches to countering it in the 21st century.

Attending this course will give you insight into why terrorism occurs, how terrorists organise and operate, and the dilemmas and problems with counter-terrorism in a democratic state during peacetime. You have also studied a terror organisation in depth, conducted briefings and simulations, and produced a study paper in which you demonstrated your ability to synthesise the content of the course in a specific context.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, students will:

  • Understand historical and contemporary European conflicts in which terror has been a critical element will strengthen the student’s ability to use comparative analysis.
  • Understand the causes and drivers of terrorism.
  • Gain valuable insights into aspects such as intelligence, the role of digital media and democratic dilemmas of counter-terrorism both domestically and in Europe.
  • Be able to analyse, assess, and present the phenomenon of terrorism orally and in writing, as well as counter-terrorism and related aspects.


Steen Kjærgaard.

Steen is a military analyst at the Royal Danish Defense College. His work revolves around security issues, such as military security,  counter-terrorism and international law.  Steen has a teaching background from being an instructor at the Danish Military Academy.  Steen holds valuable experiences from service at the Danish Defense Intelligence Service and more international deployments. Steen has a Command and Staff College (MA) from 2010 and a Master of Arts in “International Security” from the University of Leicester (UK), 2018.

Steen has been an external lecturer with DIS since 2018


Textbook- To be picked up during the arrivals workshop

  • Hoffman, Bruce, Inside Terrorism. Third Edition. NY: Columbia U Pr, 2017 (To be picked up at the library during book pickup)


The 2024 Global Terrorism Index (GTI 2024)

2024 Threat Assessment Danish Defence Intelligence Service

Danish Institute for Human Rights, “Practical Guidance Paper on Counter-terrorism and Human Rights”, 2012

Scholarly articles:

Bellamy, Alex (2006) ´ No Pain, No Gain? Torture and Ethics in the War on Terror

Daniel Byman (2014) The Intelligence War on Terrorism

Byman, Daniel ´Why drones work´ or Byman / Daniel. "Do targeted killings work?" Foreign Affairs (2006): 95-111.

Crone, Manni  (2016) ´Radicalization revisited: violence, politics and the skills of the body´

Cronin, Audrey ´Why drones fail´ Foreign Affairs (2013).

Doward, (2015) ' Media Coverage of terrorism´ leads to further violence

Greenwood, M  (2019)' Local and globalist Foreign Fighters'

Greenwood, Maja Touzari. “When Foreign Fighters Come Home: The Story of Six Danish Returnees.” Perspectives on Terrorism, vol. 13, no. 4, 2019, pp. 27–38. JSTOR, Accessed 19 Jun. 2022.

Gurr, Ted: Why Men Rebel, Princeton, NJ: PUP 1970

Hammin, Tore R (2023) ´Over-the-horizon counterterrorism' CMS

Kane&Lonsdale, Understanding Contemporary Strategy, 

Ravndal, J., & Bjørgo, T. (2018). Investigating Terrorism from the Extreme Right: A Review of Past and Present Research. Perspectives on Terrorism, 12(6), 5-22.

Hemmingsen, Anne Sofie(2015) ‘An Introduction to the Danish Approach to Countering and Preventing Extremisk and Radicalization.

Moe, Louise Wiuff (2017) ’The Politics of Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism 

. RapoportDavid C "The Four Waves of Modern Terrorism (2004)

Rogers, Paul. "Security by ‘Remote Control’ Can It Work?." The RUSI Journal 158.3 (2013): 14-20.

Field Studies

This course consists of two field studies that show students the different aspects of counter-terrorist operations and their challenges.

  • Field Study 1: Focus on the Danish resistance during the German occupation. Visit the Museum of Danish Resistance. link
  • Field Study 2: A visit and talk to the group Hizb But Tahrir w/ Maja Greenwood.

Guest Lecturers

The Danish Approach to Countering Radicalization (Muhammed Hee)

Global Terrorism Index presentation (Serge Strobants) via zoom.

Milosz Cortes: Terrorism in Russia

Approach to Teaching

This course will combine lectures and discussion-based work, using case studies and group work. The teaching will facilitate a reflective learning process and critical and constructive feedback that aims to sharpen the students' analytical skills and overall academic methodology.

Expectations of the Students

As the course is partly discussion-based and includes case studies, a high degree of student participation, preparation, and engagement is required. Throughout the course, you will also have to develop and practice your critical thinking by analyzing texts, concepts, and specific cases to understand the complexity of the field of terrorism and counterterrorism.

Study Tours

Study tours are an integral part of the core course. We take the classroom on the road and see how the theory presented in the classroom is translated into practice in the field. You will travel with your classmates and DIS faculty/staff on a study tour in Munich (Germany), including a day visit to Nuremberg.

 Expectations for study tours:

  • Participate in all activities
  • Engage in discussions, ask questions, and contribute to achieving the learning objectives.
  • Respect the destination, the speakers, the DIS staff, and your classmates
  • Represent yourself, your home university and DIS in a positive light

 While on a program study tour, DIS will provide hostel/hotel accommodation, transportation to/from the destination(s), approximately 2 meals per day and entrances, guides, and visits relevant to your study area or the destination. You will receive a more detailed itinerary before departure.

Travel policies:

You are required to travel with your group to the destination. If you have to deviate from the group travel plans, you need approval from the program director and the study tours office.   


(1) Critical participation and engagement in class and study tour participation.          

(2)  Individual Reflective journal and individual presentation.

(3)  Final Exams. Personal presentation

For further instructions, go to assignments in Canvas.                                                          




Student Engagement          20%
Individual Reflection    40%
Exam Paper    40%

Study Tour Information

 Study Tour

The Study Tour in this course take place on:

24 - 28 June in  Munich and Nuremberg.



The study tour aims to provide students with first-hand experience of political violent extremism in one of Europe’s countries which have experienced terrorism. 


Munich is the capital of the Bavaria region in the Catholic part of Germany. Until 1871, Bavaria was an independent kingdom with tremendous political and economic power in central Europe, a feature it still retains in the German Federation. 

The core focus of the visit to Munich is to function as a case for studying and gaining a deeper understanding of the rise of Right-Wing political extremism.  We explore the phenomenon through the lenses of the Nazi movement and political takeover during the 1930s and the World War II. To this end, we will visit the NS documentation centre in Munich and the KZ Dachau concentration camp. Furthermore, we will conduct on-site student-driven briefings to enhance our common learning. 

Additionally, we will visit the Olympic Village, which saw the 1972 terror attacks, often referred to as the event which internationalized the phenomenon of terrorism. Finally, we will explore the richness of Bavarian culture. 


In Nuremberg, we will explore the Nazi Rallying Grounds and its museum. Furthermore, we will visit the memorium for the Nuremberg Trials in 1945. In addition, you will have time to explore the wonderful old town of Nuremberg on your own. 

Academic Regulations  

Please make sure to read the Academic Regulations on the DIS website. There you will find regulations on the following:

Course Enrollment and Grading


Coursework, Exams, and Final Grade Reports


Policy on late papers

Late papers will be accepted, but your grade for the paper will be reduced by 25% each day it is late.

Use of laptops in class

I expect a professional classroom etiquette of presence during the sessions. You will need to bring a laptop for the class assignments. 


DIS - Study Abroad in Scandinavia -

Course Summary:

Date Details Due