Fall 2018

Course Syllabus

    Gender, Equality, and Sexuality in Scandinavia

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    Semester & Location:

    Fall 2018 - DIS Stockholm

    Type & Credits:

    Core Course - 3 credits

    Core Course Study Tours:

    Uppsala & Berlin

    Major Disciplines:

    Gender Studies, Sociology, Anthropology

    Faculty Members:

    Cat McIlroy

    Program Director:

    Iben de Neergaard,

    Time & Place:

    Time: Mondays & Thursdays, 14:50-16:10. Place: 1E-510

                                                                Description of Course

    Sweden is one of the most gender equal countries in the world and is well-known for its progressive culture supported by forward-thinking laws and legislation. Legalized prostitution (but illegal to purchase sexual services), paid parental leave for all parents, a very strong representation of women in leadership positions, progressive sex education, and equal rights for gay people are among the hallmarks of all Scandinavian societies. However, Sweden also has one of the most gender-divided workplaces in the Western world and gender equal policies do not automatically lead to gender equal behaviors.


    This course explores how concepts of gender, body, sexuality and race intersect in current debates about changing family structres, children’s rights, and new ethical dilemmas in a changing Scandinavia. For example, some of the recent initiatives discussed in Swedish media and worldwide – a gender neutral approach to children and the recognition of a gender-neutral pronoun “hen” in the Swedish dictionary, Sweden’s first LGBTQ-welcoming pool, implementation of a norm-critical approach to teaching and learning, just to mention a few. We will follow public debates on various burning issues and compare and reflect on the differences observed between the United States, Sweden, and Scandinavia, as well as question norms and traditional ways of thinking about gender and sexuality.


    By the end of the semester, you will be able to:

    • Employ methodologies from critical gender and sexuality studies to analyze the assumptions about gender and sexuality, which inform studies about us as individuals, societies, cultures, etc.
    • Focusing on Scandinavia and the US, examine how societies’ construction of gender and sexuality intersects with ethnicity, race, class, age, dis/ability, etc.
    • Be familiar with the most “burning issues” in Scandinavian debates about gender and sexuality.



    Cat McIlroy (MSc in Equality Studies) is a trans activist and educator, actively engaged in LGBTQ activism in Ireland and Europe for many years. As former Co-Chair of Transgender Europe (TGEU) and Co-ordinator of Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI), Cat has worked to educate and advocate to bring about positive social change for trans people. They are a former Chairperson and one of the founding members of Trans Fest Stockholm, a community collective that strives to create positive, inclusive and empowering celebrations of trans and gender-diverse visibility, culture and community.


    Guest Lectures

    • Anne Bachmann, PhD, researcher and lecturer in film and media studies, will present on Sexual and Queer Content in Swedish Cinema.
    • Vendela Grundell, PhD, researcher and lecturer in art and visual media studies, will discuss Visual Stereotypes.
    • Karin Milles, PhD, researcher and lecturer in gender and language will present on Feminist Language Activism.


    Field Studies

    • 22 August - Hallwylska palatset: A guided tour of one of Stockholm’s private palaces from early 20th century, created by one of the most remarkable, eccentric and unusual women of her time.
    • 26 September - Sex Education in Sweden: A workshop with RFSU, a non-profit organization that works for and with an open, positive view of sex education and relationship issues.


    Selected Readings

    Ellen Ross & Rayna Rapp (1997) Sex and Society, Chapter 10 in Sex and Society, Lancaster et al.

    Joane Nagel (2000) Ethnicity and Sexuality, Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 26

    Steven Seidman (2011) Theoretical Perspectives in Introducing the New Sexualities Studies 2nd Edition

    April S. Callis (2009) Playing with Butler and Foucault: Bisexuality and Queer Theory, Journal of Bisexuality, 9:3-4, 213-233

    Janne Bromseth & Renita Sörensdotter (2013), Norm-critical Pedagogy, in Gender Studies, Education and Pedagogy, Anna Lundberg & Ann Werner (Eds), Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research: Gothenburg, 24-31

    Michael B. Wells & Anna Sarkadi (2012) Do Father-Friendly Policies Promote Father-Friendly Child-Rearing Practices? A Review of Swedish Parental Leave and Child Health Centers, J Child Fam Stud, 21: 25–31

    Siim, Birte (2015) Migration, Multiculturalism and Gender – a Nordic Perspective in Peter Kivisto & Peter Kraus (Eds.) Challenging Power: Equality, Culture and Minorities

    Jay Levy & Pye Jakobsson (2014) Sweden’s abolitionist discourse and law: Effects on the dynamics of Swedish sex work and on the lives of Sweden’s sex workers, Criminology and Criminal Justice

    Kajsa Ekis Ekman (2013) Being and Being Bought 

    Anette Dina Sørensen (2007) Porno-chic – Sex and mainstreaming of pornography in mass culture, in Generation P? – Youth Gender and Pornography 









    Participation & Discussion Leading


    Includes attendance & in-class participation: engaged listening, speaking up in productive ways, participating actively in the learning activities, small group discussions, &/or group work.

    You will also choose a partner & together lead one discussion session during the semester.

    Throughout the course



    A personally based 1-2 page reflection paper, where you respond to a class activity (reading, guest lecture, field trip) & communicate your reflections & opinions as you reveal the thought process which led you to these conclusions.

     20 September



    Identify & present a concept, problem, or issue you have come across during the course so far, in the format of a poster where the visual presentation as well as the written, theoretical outline carries equal weight. Further instructions will be provided.

      22 October

    Final Project


    Final research paper (5-9 pages) or project (YouTube film, audio or visual montage, parody, zine, or a queer political manifesto). Creative projects must be accompanied by a 2-3 page academic reflection.

    - Research paper or project should include a question around gender & sexuality. You are expected to answer that question in an academic manner using the theory and material from class.

     2 December



    Further information about assignments will be presented in class.



    Guidelines for the written assignments: All assignments must be double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font, 1-inch margins. At DIS, one page equals 300 words.

    You are expected to use correct citing formats (either APA or MLA) on all assignments.



    Mutual learning atmosphere: The course is based on a student-centered approach with a strong emphasis on class discussions. My role as instructor is to facilitate the course and learning process during, but all of us are responsible for creating the most beneficial atmosphere and environment for creation of knowledge. Different learning activities will occur during the course, such as group work, workshops, reflection tasks, field studies, film and text analysis and more. In addition to this, you will also be given the opportunity to add your own research and to get insights into the contemporary public debate.

    Everyone’s opinion counts: Some of the topics covered in this course could be seen as controversial and sensitive. You should feel comfortable in expressing your personal opinions regarding issues discussed in class, and we are all responsible for creating the discussion climate where this is felt by all participants. In order to attain this, also be prepared to be open to other points of view than your own, and always express disagreement in a respectful and constructive way. See this as an opportunity to broaden your perspective by listening to other opinions. The concept of safe space will be addressed and rules concerning this will be talked through during our first class session.

    Laptop and phones: Attention in class is to be focused on the learning process, on class discussions and learning activities. Laptops and/or phones can be used if allowed by instructor for course purposes. Considerations will of course be taken, if you have special needs for a computer for note taking. In these cases, see the teaching & learning Center at DIS for a letter to give to the instructor.

    Format and evaluation criteria: You will be evaluated in several ways. Each assignment will let you meet course objectives. All work – including in-class assignments – has to be completed in order to pass the class. Late papers or projects will be marked down with 1/3 of a grade for each day it is late.

    Academic Regulations  

    Please make sure to read the Academic Regulations on the DIS website. There you will find regulations on:

     DIS - Study Abroad in Scandinavia -

    Course Summary:

    Date Details Due