Course Syllabus

Child Development in Scandinavia A

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Child Development in Scandinavia, Core Course

Semester & Location:

Fall 2018 - DIS Copenhagen

Type & Credits:

Core Course - 3 credits

Core Course Study Tours:

Helsinki, Finland

Corequisite Course:

Child Development in Scandinavia Practicum

Major Disciplines:

Child Development, Education/Educational Studies, Human Development

Faculty Members:

Jennifer Duncan-Bendix - 

Program Director:

Neringa Vendelbo -

Program Assistant:

Shannon Schooley -

Time & Place:

Mondays 10.05 - 13.00, Nørregade 7 - C23

Description of Course

This course focuses on the central aspects of childhood development in Scandinavia. It addresses the contemporary issues facing professionals working with children, as well as how services for children in Scandinavian countries differ from approaches in the rest of the world. Class discussions are addressed through the lenses of public policy, current research, and practitioner perspectives.

Burning issues such as the pros and cons of free play, attachment to primary but also secondary caregivers, school readiness versus social pedagogy and gender stereotypes in childhood will serve as the foundation for class discussions, practicum, and field studies. These approaches will also be integrated by using a long study tour to Finland as a case study, within the global context of child development.

Overall, this course will employ two perspectives on childhood – that of early education, as well as school-aged children.  A foundation for the course is exploring the theories for each topic presented, and then applying them to professional practice when working with children in a variety of capacities.  As such, a co-requisite for this course is the course “Child Development in Scandinavia Practicum”, where students will complete 45-55 hours at a Danish children’s institution or school.  The experiences and observations from practicum will be integrated into discussions in order to highlight the connections between theory and practice. 

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course students in this class will...

  • Identify, discuss, and analyze theories covered in class
  • Cooperate and draw from the perspectives of peers in group discussions and group work
  • Apply core concepts from class to practice
  • Analyze practicum experiences, field studies and study tours, and draw connections between these and the academic topics presented in class
  • Experience and reflect upon what it means to embody teaching and learning, and link these experiences to working with children
  • Discuss and challenge views on childhood, care taking and education from multiple perspectives.


Jennifer Duncan-Bendix

MA. Dagtilbuds- og Indskolings Didaktik – Early Childhood Education and Curriculum Studies (Aarhus University, 2014). BA (Early Childhood Development and Education, University of Connecticut, 2006). External Lecturer, Aarhus University (Fall 2016). Assistant Program Director, Child Development and Diversity (2014 – Present).  DIS Program Coordinator (2011-2014). Pædagog in International and Danish communities in Copenhagen (2008-2010). DIS CDD Program Assistant (2007-2008). With DIS since 2007.


Class Representatives

Each semester DIS looks for class representatives to become an official spokesperson for their class, addressing any concerns that may arise (in academic or related matters), suggesting improvements and coming up with new ideas. Class representatives are a great way for DIS faculty to ensure better and timelier feedback on their courses, assessments and teaching styles, and as such perform an invaluable role in connecting student needs with faculty instruction during term time. Class Representatives will be elected in class at the beginning of the semester. Class representatives will meet with the course faculty 2-3 times during the semester and will also be responsible for helping the class do midterm evaluations.

Guest Lecturers

At certain points in the course, guest lecturers may be invited to provide their experience and expertise on select topics being covered in class.

Approach to Teaching

The class will be seen as a community of learners, who have the opportunity to share interests and learn from one another. The academic content and the socialization among students and teacher are integrally connected, and we use discussions of group dynamics in the class as an element of academic learning. 

A class will be planned based on theory and research articles students have read prior to the class. Different pedagogical and didactical tools will be used, which the group will reflect upon, and students will be asked to bring back ideas, thoughts and reflections from practicum, field studies and everyday life and link these experiences with theory and research discussed in class. Teaching strategies can include peer led discussions, group work, cooperative exercises etc.

Expectations of the Students

You are expected to:

  • Consider everyone as valued and equal members of the class community, who treat each other with respect, acknowledgement, politeness, openness and care – an environment that is believed to promote learning
  • Be creative and open minded
  • Reflect and think independently, bring in ideas and thoughts during each class through discussions, individual- and group work
  • Show engagement, participation, contribution and responsibility.
  • Demonstrate academic rigor, active listening and punctuality
  • Draw upon interactions and observations from daily life in Denmark and practicum to the theory, research, and practice
  • Use Assignment Guidelines and Syllabus independently and be able to find relevant information on own initiative
  • Work independently and be active in group work
  • Complete readings prior to each class

Study Tours

Core Course week and study tours are an integral part of the core course and the aim is to build the bridge between theory from classes to practice in the field. You will travel with your classmates and DIS faculty/staff on two study tours; a short study tour in Denmark during Core Course Week and a long study tour to Finland.

While on a program study tour, DIS will provide accommodation, transportation to and from destinations, approx. 2 meals per day and entrances, guides, and visits relevant to your area of study or the destination. You will receive a more detailed itinerary prior to departure.

Travel Policies

You are required to travel with your group to the destination. If you have to deviate from the group travel plans, you need approval from the program director and the study tours office.   

Core Course Week & Short Tour: September 10-14

  • Purpose: Gain a more in-depth understanding of childhood, care and education outside of Copenhagen. The visits will be integrated into the academic content of the course.   
  • Orientation: Activities and visits will be presented the week before departure along with your responsibilities and itinerary for the week.

Long Study Tour: October 28-November 2

  • Purpose: Explore the programs designed for children and youth in Finland to investigate what the contributing factors are for one of the highest evaluated education systems in the world.
  • Orientation: Activities and visits will be presented the week before departure along with your responsibilities and itinerary for the week.


Students in this course are required to take the Child Development in Scandinavia Practicum class as a co-requisite. Students will be placed in a Danish institution or school for 45-55 hours during the semester, where they will work directly with children. 

Please see the Practicum syllabus for more details.


To be eligible for a passing grade in this class, you must complete all of the assigned work. If nothing else is mentioned, an assignment is due before midnight on the mentioned date.

Methods of Evaluation






Participation and Engagement



Question Guide (short tour)

Monday, September 3 before midnight


MAP + Reflection (short tour)

Map: Friday, September 14 in class

Reflection: Wednesday, September 19 before midnight


Cultural Presentations (long tour)

Sunday October 28 on Walking Tour



Academic Presentations (long tour)

Done on the morning of Monday and Tuesday October 29 + 30


Final Presentation Proposal

Friday November 16 before midnight


Final Presentations

Sign up for:

Wednesday November 28:  10.00-13.00

Monday December 3: 10.00-13.00 or

Wednesday December 5: 9.00-14.00





Assignment Submission

Assignments are submitted via Canvas unless otherwise noted. It is your own responsibility to check if assignments are correctly uploaded. If you have any Internet - or computer trouble you are expected to contact the instructor and make arrangements for handing in the submission. 

Additional Policies


Absence will only be excused in serious situations, but informing your faculty regarding your attendance is always necessary. Unexcused absences include travelling or absence that has not been discussed with the faculty.  Regardless of whether lateness or absence is excused or unexcused, it is still disruptive to the class and you miss out on relevant information.

BE AWARE:  Missing one class day for this course is the equivalent of missing TWO classes for any other courses at DIS (because this course only meets once a week). 

Late Assignments

It is crucial for your learning that you stay on task and hand in assignments on or before the due date. All work– including in-class projects – have to be completed in order to pass the class. Late papers or projects will be marked down.

Further information about assignments can be found in the Assignment Guideline document, uploaded on Canvas.


Use of Laptops or Phones in Class

Computers are allowed in class for note-taking purposes or other use that supports the class or personal learning. Using laptops for private means, such as social media, emails or internet surfing, will have a negative impact on your participation grade. Phones are expected to be turned off and kept away during classes. You are also expected to keep phones away during your practicum visits and on study tours during visits and meals. Make sure you have other ways to take notes.



Texts for this course can be found online through Canvas. Texts listed under the ‘Course Schedule’ are expected to be read prior to the specific class. There is no textbook for this course.

  • Änggård, Eva (2010).  Making use of “nature” in an outdoor preschool:  Classroom, home and fairyland.  Children, Youth and Environments, 20 (1), 4 – 25.
  • Andersen, F. Ø. (2010). Danish and Finnish PISA results in a comparative, qualitative perspective: How can the stable and distinct differences between the Danish and Finnish PISA results be explained? Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 22(2), 159-175. doi: 10.1007/s11092-010-9095-x
  • Bowlby, J. (2005). A secure base : clinical applications of attachment theory (New ed. ed.). London: Routledge.
  • Brostrom, S. (2006). Care and Education: Towards a New Paradigm in Early Childhood Education. Child Youth Care Forum.
  • Broström, S. (2017). A dynamic learning concept in early years' education: a possible way to prevent schoolification. International Journal of Early Years Education, 25(1), 3-15. 
  • Clausen, S. B., & Ringsmose, C. (2017). The professional identity of the Danish pedagogue : historical root in an education with focus on democracy, creativity, dannelse and a "childhood logic" Nordic social pedagogical approach to early years (pp. 237-252): Springer.
  • Dahlberg, G. & Moss, P. (2005) Chapter 8: In search of Utopia, in Ethics and politics in early childhood education (London, Routledge Falmer).
  • Dahlberg, G., Moss, P., & Pence, A. (2007). Beyond quality in early childhood education and care: Languages of evaluation.
  • Gordon, G. (2014). Well played. The origins and future of playfulness. American Journal of Play, (6) 2, The Strong.
  • Heckman, J. J. (2006). Skill Formation and the Economics of Investing in Disadvantaged Children. Science, 312(5782), 1900-1902. 
  • Hedegaard, M. (2009). Children’s development from a cultural–historical approach:  Children’s activity in everyday local settings as foundation for their development. Mind, Culture and Activity16(1), 64–81.
  • Jensen A.S. (2018) Educare: Practitioners’ Views on Care, Upbringing and Teaching. In: Johansson E., Emilson A., Puroila AM. (eds) Values Education in Early Childhood Settings. International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Development, vol 23. Springer, Cham
  • Kragh-Müller, G. (2017). The key characteristics of Danish/Nordic child care culture Nordic social pedagogical approach to early years (pp. 3-23): Springer.
  • Kragh-Müller, G., & Isbell, R. (2011). Children's perspectives on their everyday lives in child care in two cultures: Denmark and the United States. Early Childhood Education Journal, 2011(39), 17-27.
  • Pramling, N., Doverborg, E., & Samuelsson, I. P. (2017). Re-metaphorizing teaching and learning in early childhood education beyond the instruction – social fostering divide Nordic social pedagogical approach to early years (pp. 73-92): Springer.
  • Ringsmose, C., & Clausen, S. B. (2017). Comparative perspectives on early childhood : choices and values Nordic social pedagogical approach to early years (pp. 73-92): Springer.
  • Tomasello, M., Carpenter, M., Call, J., Behne, T., & Moll, H. (2005). Understanding and sharing intentions: the origins of cultural cognition. The Behavioral and brain sciences, 28 5, 675-91; discussion 691-735
  • Winther-Lindqvist, D. (2017). The Role of Play in Danish Child Care, in: Nordic social pedagogical approach to early years(pp. 73-92): Springer.
  • Wilson, R. (2012). Nature and young children: Encouraging creative play and learning in natural environments (second edition).  New York, NY:  Read Chapter 1, pages 6 – 17 and Chapter 5, 55-70
  • Wyver, S., Tranter, P., Naughton, G., Little, H., Sandseter, E. B. H., & Bundy, A. (2010). Ten Ways to Restrict Children's Freedom to Play: The Problem of Surplus Safety. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 11(3), 263-277.

Academic Regulations  

Please make sure to read the Academic Regulations on the DIS website. There you will find regulations on:

DIS - Study Abroad in Scandinavia -

Course Summary:

Date Details Due