Course Syllabus


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Semester & Location:

Spring 2025 - DIS Copenhagen

Type & Credits:

Core Course - 3 credits

Core Course Study Tours:

Western Denmark, Manchester & Liverpool

Major Disciplines:

Business, Management

Faculty Members:

Daniel Reece -

Time & Place:

Mondays & Thursdays, 08.30 - 09.50 in F24-302


A one-year sequence of courses in micro and macroeconomics.  

Course content:

European Business Strategy will be studied primarily through lectures and case-studies of European companies. The focus is on how to analyze and create strategies for selected companies taking the complex environment under which European companies operate into consideration. This focus includes a closer look at:

  • the specific business models and strategies of local and global companies operating in these various European contexts;
  • business challenges relating to Denmark and the UK generally, and the North West of England and West of Denmark specifically;
  • the similarities and differences between European countries in terms of business environment; and finally;
  • the business impact of policies and regulations at the EU level, as well as at national level.


Daniel Karpantschof Reece LLB, LLM. - Faculty. Founder and Managing Director of Nordeq Management A/S. CEO of the Equinor Group 2005-2014. Expertise in cross border corporate structuring, private equity, and leadership. With DIS since 2015.

Learning objectives:

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Understand the European business environment using multiple case studies as examples;

  • Identify key issues facing European business today, including how European business are influenced by:

    • The Single European Market and EU policies and regulations ;

    • National legislation and structural conditions;

    • Cross-cultural challenges;

  • Analyze business models and strategies of European companies as well as their responses to changes in Europe’s evolving business environment;

  • Apply critical thinking (pro/con) in analyzing empirical/corporate information;

  • Engage in team projects in a constructive, structured and efficient manner;

  • Design and deliver a professional, well-structured, persuasive presentation;

  • Effectively handle a question-and-answer session;

  • Write a professionally formatted, strategically structured business memorandum.


 Summaries of Chapters 1-4: Gabrielle Suder - "Doing Business In Europe" 3rd Edition

Porter: The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy

Porter, “What Is Strategy?”

Porter: Creating Shared Value

Ministry Of Foreign Affairs: Invest in Denmark - best for business based on trust.pdf

McKinsey: Mastering_The_Building_Blocks_Of_Strategy.pdf

Deloitte: EU membership - a good deal for Denmark.pdf 

The Economist: Why are Nordic companies so successful.pdf

A variety of contemporary articles and research from, from example, the Economist and the Financial Times.

Course overview:

  • Final project: The main case project for this course is based on companies visited in Denmark, and England. The purpose of the project is to address some of the challenges for the company and to suggest possible strategic recommendations. The details of the project will be disclosed in class.

  • Study Tour: On our study tours to Western Denmark and to North West England we will visit companies and analyze their specific business cases. Also we will use the study tours to collect relevant data for the ongoing Sponsor project.

  • Class room sessions: In class we will focus on establishing a common theoretical framework that we will use to analyze European industries and business cases. Also we will study the European business environment in detail. This includes the EU integration process, EU policy areas, and national private sector policies. This information serves as a basis for understanding the conditions that European businesses operate under. In class we will also have student presentations of different companies and topics, and workshops where you can work on the Sponsor project, and practice your presentation skills.  

Grade Components:

European Business Strategy Podcast  is a group project where you will demonstrate your understanding of business strategy conceptually, the European business strategy generally, and the Danish business environment specifically. The podcast exam is worth 30% toward the final grade.

Designing and grading a student project. Designing a strategu project for your peers followed by a critical evaluation of the result. Worth 20% toward the final grade.

Final project. The purpose is to uncover the challenges and to propose strategic recommendations as well as ideas and plans for implementation. This assignment is worth a total of 30% towards the final grade.

Engagement: This class requires a high level of motivation and active participation in class and during the study tours. Attendance is mandatory. The following is expected from students to achieve an "A" grade:

  • Active and voluntary participation in class discussions and/or at least every second class, post a reflection on class in the "Discussions" tab on Canvas

  • Having prepared properly for every class

  • Being able to address the readings critically during class, thus displaying a good understanding of the subject matter

  • Being analytical and concise in oral interventions.

  • Being able to collaborate well with your assigned team and delivering elaborate and analytical papers and presentations.

If you are unable to attend class, you must notify your instructor in advance. We allow computers and smart phones in class PURELY for note-taking purposes. In case of other uses such as Facebook, e-mails or internet surfing, it will have a negative impact on your engagement grade. Engagement is worth 20% toward the final grade.


Grading Elements:




Grading Scheme:







Engagement (in class and study tours)


= 20 points


100 – 93




 = 30 points


<93 – 90


Designing and grading


 = 20 points


<90 – 87


Final Presentations


 = 30 points


<87 – 83




 = 100 points


<83 – 80






<80 – 77






<77 – 73






<73 – 70






<70 – 67






<67 – 63






<63 – 60








Course Policies:

Academic Honesty: Plagiarism and Violating the Rules of an Assignment - DIS expects that students abide by the highest standards of intellectual honesty in all academic work. DIS assumes that all students do their own work and credit all work or thought taken from others. Academic dishonesty will result in a final  course grade of “F” and can result in dismissal. The students’ home universities will be notified. DIS

reserves the right to request that written student assignments be turned in electronic form for submission to plagiarism detection software. See the Academic Handbook for more information, or ask your instructor if you have questions.

Attendance – You are expected to attend all DIS classes when scheduled. If you miss multiple classes the Director of Teaching and Learning, and the Director of Student Affairs will be notified and they will follow up with you to make sure that all is well.  Absences will jeopardize your grade and your standing at DIS. Allowances will be made in cases of illness.


 - An unexcused absence is any absence not due to illness AND not notified to the instructor in advance of class, unless specifically agreed otherwise with the instructor in advance.

 - A late arrival is any case where you are not ready to start class at the designated time (i.e. coming through the door at start time will count as a late arrival).

Your participation grade will be docked 10% for two unexcused absences and 10% for each additional unexcused absence. Your participation grade will be docked 5% for 3 late arrivals, and an additional 5% for each subsequent late arrival.


Although AI tools are valuable, they should support human creativity and critical thinking, not replace them. Therefore, the use of AI tools like ChatGPT is permitted within defined contexts if you include proper attribution. Usage outside of the predefined contexts and without attribution will be considered a breach of our Academic Honesty Policy. 

Disability and Resource Statement Any student who has a need for accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the Office of Academic Support ( to coordinate this. In order to receive accommodations, students should inform the instructor of approved DIS accommodations within the first two weeks of classes.


Academic Regulations  

Please make sure to read the Academic Regulations on the DIS website. There you will find regulations on: 

 DIS - Study Abroad in Scandinavia -


Schedule: Schedule is subject to change if necessary with as much notice as possible.

Class Policy on Audio and Video Taping and Distribution: Any audio or video recordings produced during this class, as well as any recordings posted to online class sites such as Canvas, may not be exchanged or distributed for commercial purposes, for compensation, for posting on social media sites, or be used for any other purpose other than for study by students enrolled in this class. In addition, distribution or sharing of course materials (including instructor PowerPoint slides) may constitute copyright infringement.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due