Course Syllabus


Semester & Location: Spring 2025 - DIS Copenhagen
Type & Credits: Core Course - 3 credits
Core Course Study Tours: Short tour: Ribe. Long tour: Helsinki
Major Disciplines: Environmental Studies, Public Policy, Sustainability
Prerequisite: None
Faculty Members:

Silvia Dragomir - use canvas inbox

Time & Place:

Tuesday and Friday 8:30-9:50

Classroom: N7-B21

Syllabus is subject to change throughout the semester.

Description of course

Sustainable development has emerged as one of the most important discourses of the 21st century. It is a multi-dimensional concept, which aims to integrate environmental, social, and economic objectives, and no single academic discipline definitively addresses its problems or solutions. This course explores some of the key issues and themes of sustainable development, as well as pragmatic and practical strategies for promoting a truly sustainable society.

Learning objectives of the course

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • comprehend the underlying concepts, debates, and issues informing various actors, agencies, and activities working to realize sustainability goals;
  • show a critical awareness of the diverse and contested meanings of sustainable development ideas and practices;
  • show a critical awareness of the tensions between current economic growth and environmental degradation, as well as the range of discourses that address these important issues;
  • compare and contrast sustainability discourses and practices in Denmark and Europe with those in your home countries;
  • locate a broad range of sources of information on sustainability and to be able to engage in critical and reflective thinking on a number of sustainability issues;
  • articulate your own values and strategies for a truly sustainable society.


Silvia Andreea Dragomir

Architect and urban planner, with an MSc in Sustainable Urban Planning from Aalborg University DK and MSc in Architecture from Bucharest RO and Bordeaux FR. Former collaborations include the Ministry of Transportation in Romania, European funded projects, Low Carbon Regions - a Masterplan for Southern Denmark, co-founder of KlimaLab - a climate innovation platform, City of Toulouse - Climate neighborhood, and private projects in Denmark, Romania, UK and USA. Silvia's professional focus is on sustainability, climate action and healthy cities. Her passion is sharing her knowledge while learning from others and raising awareness for creating better living environments. With DIS since 2015. 

Approach to Teaching

The class will meet twice a week during the semester. Assigned readings, explorations and student presentations will act as background for class discussion. This course relies heavily on reading in order to gain a deeper understanding of varying case studies we will discuss. Assigned texts must be read before class. Copenhagen will also serve as a living laboratory to illustrate the forces behind sustainable development in a northern European context, when relevant. Moreover, group work is essential, rooted in real-life working scenarios.


The readings for this class consist of article readings, videos and podcasts, which are found exclusively on Canvas. The reading for each class is attached/indicated under Modules.

Martinussen (1999). Conceptions and dimensions of development.

Campbell (1996). The contradictions of sustainable development.

European Commission (2016). Sustainable Development Policy in the EU

Norden (2013). A Good Life in a Sustainable Nordic Region?

WWF (2018). Living planet report  

Climate one (2019). Sea Changes: Why Oceans Play a Bigger Role in Climate Change Than You Think.

Sovacool (2013). Energy policy-making in Denmark: Implications for global energy security and sustainability

World Economic Forum (2012) Sustainable Transportation Ecosystem 

Climate one (2019). Can a circular economy salvage the climate?

Martinussen (1999). Poverty and social development.

Beatley (2008). Planning for sustainability in European cities: a review of practice in leading cities.

Newman (2009). Urban resilience: cities of fear and hope.

Climate one (2018). From farm to table 2.0. Chefs cutting carbon.

Martinussen (1999). Focus on agricultural development.

Science Env. Policy 20 environmental topics covered from "agriculture" to "water" 

Field studies

Field studies are visits or workshops lasting half a day. These field studies form an integral part of the course to support our understanding of how sustainable development is conducted in a practical setting.

Study tours

Core Course week and study tours are an integral part of the course as we take the classroom on the road and see how theories presented in the class translate to practice in the field. You will travel with your classmates and DIS faculty/staff on two study tours, a short study tour during Core Course Week and a Long Study Tour. 

Expectations of the Students

This course is not a traditional lecture class, but relies heavily on class discussion informed by an in-depth, critical reading of the assigned texts. The readings for each class have purposely been kept to a reasonable amount, and it is expected that all students have read, seen, or played the material prior to the lectures.

In class:

I expect you to fully engage in the lectures, participate actively in discussions, and be open minded about your fellow students' points of view. Your overall grade will depend on an engaged, informed, and highly active participation in class discussion.

During study tours:

  • Participate in all activities
  • Engage in discussions, ask questions, and contribute to achieving the learning objectives
  • Respect the destination, the speakers, DIS staff, and your fellow classmates
  • Represent yourself, your home university, and DIS in a positive light

 While on a program study tour, DIS will provide hostel/hotel accommodation, transportation to/from the destination(s), approx. 2 meals per day, and entrances, guides, and visits relevant to your area of study. You will receive a more detailed itinerary prior to departure.

Travel policies:

You are required to travel with your group to the destination. If you have to deviate from the group travel plans, you need approval from the program director and the study tours office prior to departure. You are free to return to Copenhagen on your own if you choose to do so, but you must stay with the group through the last visit and inform your study tour leaders of your plans in advance.  

        Illness and missing class

We all have a collective responsibility towards each other at DIS. Please monitor yourself carefully for symptoms of COVID-19, flu, stomach flu,... If you experience any of these symptoms, please stay at home and inform your instructor that you won’t be in class or at a field study – this will count as an excused absence. 

Do keep up with your coursework and join activities as soon as you feel better, no later than the following class. This should include doing all the class preparation and checking in with your classmates for the class activities. If you are too sick to do work, please reach out to the DIS Care team at for medical support.


Class participation

Participation will be evaluated by the extent to which students attend classes, actively engage in class discussions, contribute to workshops, and critically reflect on the assigned readings. You are expected to bring your reading notes as well as questions to class. The reading required is the one going beyond finding information, or identifying main ideas. It will ask you to dig deep to identify the meaning, relationships between ideas, and to challenge yourself to find your own response to these ideas and their impact on the world. Responses involve analysis, synthesis and creativity. You are encouraged to bring your own experiences into the discussions.

Creative journal of sustainable solutions

This is your collection of class reflections, representing the connection between readings, discussions and our field visits. There is a minimum of one critical thinking page per class, each with structured observations and critical reflections on what you experienced, learned, and thought about during and after the lectures. This is meant to hone both your observational and critical reflection skills, as well as to practice concise writing techniques and develop your creative skills.

This journal forms the foundation for the final project.

Green solutions case studies (group work)

This is your collection of reflections from tours, representing the connections between our field visits, discussions and readings. There is a minimum of 3 critical thinking pages per case study (1500 words), plus the extra relevant graphics (photos, mind maps, sketches, collages,...) included to the written argument. Each entry will include structured observations and critical reflections on what stood out to you, and what you will take further after the visits.

These reflections form the foundation for the final project.

Roadmap for Sustainable Development _ Final project

The assignment is a group exercise, consisting of:

  1. Answering the question: How can the balance between resources and the desire for growth be achieved?
  2. Producing a road map connecting previous topics, and containing your plan towards sustainable development for your community
  3. Presenting your solutions to the class 

All assignments must be handed in on the due date electronically through Canvas, unless otherwise mentioned. Late hand-in and lack of references are not accepted. To be eligible for a passing grade in this class you must complete all of the assigned work.






Class participation


Creative journal


Green solutions case studies


Roadmap for Sustainable Development



Academic Regulations

Please make sure to read the Academic Regulations on the DIS website. There you will find regulations on: 

Electronic Devices in the Classroom

Use of laptops is allowed for the purpose of note-taking ONLY and requires prior consultation. Students should refrain from all other computer activities, as they prove distracting to themselves and fellow students. Mobile phones and other electronic communication devices should of course be turned off and stored away. Using the laptop for other purposes than note-taking will have a negative impact on your grade.


What is considered an excused absence?  

  • Student has notified faculty in advance of an illness if it is not a consistently reoccurring illness 
  • Student has notified faculty in advance of a religious accommodation 
  • A family emergency if the student communicates with Academic Support and notifies faculty about their absence(s).
    • If a student informs you of a family emergency, I ask that you inform the student that they need to contact Academics for Stockholm or Academic Support for Copenhagen as soon as possible so we can connect them with the relevant steps and resources 

What is considered an unexcused absence?  

  • Unapproved scheduled personal travel during class sessions 
  • If a student does not communicate with faculty in advance about their absence or does so after missing class 
  • If a student is on personal travel and their flight is canceled and it will not be possible to make it to the class in time 
  • If a student does not communicate their religious accommodations and absences to faculty in advance 

What is considered poor academic performance?  

  • Multiple unexcused absences 
  • Low participation  
  • Low academic performance on assignments 
  • Missing assignments  
  • Not making adequate progress in the course   
  • Anything else concerning that Academic Support should be made aware of 


DIS - Study Abroad in Scandinavia -


Course Summary:

Date Details Due