Course Syllabus

History of European Film 

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triangle of sadness.jpganatomy of a fall.jpg

Cléo From 5 to 7 (Agnes Vardá, 1962), Triangle of Sadness (Ruben Östlund, 2022) and Anatomy of a Fall (Justine Triet, 2023)


                                                                                                Metropolis (Fritz Lang, 1927)


Semester & Location:

Spring 2025 - DIS Copenhagen

Type & Credits:

Elective Course - 3 credits

Major Disciplines:

Communication, Film Studies, Media Studies



Faculty Member:

Morten Egholm 

Time & Place:

Tuesdays & Fridays 10:05-11:25 in the DIS Movie Theatre in V23

Instructor: Morten Egholm

Ph. D., Film Studies, University of Copenhagen, 2009. Cand. mag., Scandinavian Studies, Film and Media Theory, University of Copenhagen, 1997. Associate professor in Danish Language, Literature and Culture, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 2002-2006. Has written several articles in Danish, English and Dutch on film history, Scandinavian film, Danish literature, Danish theatre, and Danish and American TV series. Editor (2010-2015) of and peer reviewer (2015-) for the film journal Kosmorama. With DIS since 2008, since January 2012 as full time faculty.

Course Content

The course offers an introduction to film understanding, film aesthetics, and film history in general as a basis for an analysis of European cinema. Following an introduction to early European film history, the course will concentrate on different currents, trends, and waves like German Expressionism, French Poetic Realism, Italian Neorealism, Masters of Scandinavian Cinema, French New Wave, Czechoslovakian New Wave, The Greek Weird Wave, and Masters of Modernism and Postmodernism. Further, the course will work as an introduction to some of the greatest European auteurs in film history like Carl Th. Dreyer, Victor Sjöström, Fritz Lang, Ingmar Bergman, Agnès Varda, Nicolas Roeg, Andrei Tarkovsky, Yorgos Lanthimos, Lars von Trier, Pedro Almodóvar, Ruben Östlund, Justine Triet, and others. The main emphasis will be on seeing and understanding films, and understanding film makers in relation to their historical, literary, and motion picture backgrounds, partly through film examples, partly through reading material. Each class will concentrate on one theme or aspect of film history and will include a related film viewing.

The course does not include practical film making - the approach is analytical, aesthetical, and historical.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the course, each student will have gained:

  • A sound knowledge of the history of European cinema in its relation to cultural and social conditions and general film history
  • An understanding of the basic facts and methods of film analysis
  • The ability to produce an academic research paper demonstrating a skill to interpret and discuss the history of European film


The course will include lectures, discussions of films and required readings, and film viewings. Each class session will concentrate on one theme or aspect of European cinema and will include a related film viewing. The films are in English or with English subtitles/intertitles.

Classroom Etiquette

The use of distracting devices (smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc.) is strictly prohibited during class. Failure to comply will adversely affect participation grades. Use of laptops for the purpose of note-taking requires prior consultation with the professor. Students should refrain from all other computer activities, as they prove distracting to themselves and fellow students. Mobile phones and other electronic devices should of course be turned off and stored away.

Reading List

David A. Cook: A History of Narrative Film. Fifth Edition, New York & London, 2016


Short Paper 20%
Research Paper 30%
Film Screening Info Tests 15%
Class Participation  35% 

Short Paper

Choose two of the films we have watched and discussed in class (including Battleship Potemkin and An Andalusian Dog). Compare them and put both of them in to a film historical context. The paper should be 3 pages long/900 words, and is due on March the 2nd at 11:59 pm. At least 2 academic sources are required. 

Film Screening Info Tests

It is very important that you view each required film before class. A very short, written test relating to the film’s content will always be given before the screening. The tests can also be found digitally in Handouts under files in Canvas. It's up to you if you want to hand in the hard copy or the digital version. 

Research Paper Proposal

The proposal should give the topic of your paper. Must be handed in on e-mail on April the 25th.

Research Paper

The topics for the research paper are decided by the student and the instructor together, based on the paper proposal. Normally, it would be on (or relate to) subjects and films dealt with in the course. It is of course also possible to write about other topics/films by agreement with the instructor. At least 3 academic resources are required. 

Length: Approx. 6 pages, or approx. 1800 words.

The Research Paper is due May the 9th at 11:59 pm. Upload on Canvas or email it to me on

Port of Shadwos (Marcel Carné, 1938)

Film due as homework for class

Please note that it is mandatory to watch each film before the relevant class. We will be watching 21 films in total length, most of them will be homework, but 5 of them will be shown during class time or field studies. Almost all films can be found under Modules or Files here in Canvas. I strongly encourage you to sometimes take your time to watch the film due in The DIS Movie Theatre on a DVD that can be found on the semester shelf at The Student Hub. Remember to book the movie theatre beforehand. The films we are watching for class are: 


Film: Year: Duration: Access:
The Abyss   1910 37' Canvas File in Modules
The Phantom Carriage 1921 105' Canvas File in Modules
Metropolis 1927 147' Canvas File in Modules
The Passion of Joan of Arc 1928 82' Canvas File in Modules
Port of Shadows 1938 91' Canvas File in Modules
The Bicycle Thieves
1948 91' Canvas File in Modules
Wild Strawberries 1957 90' Canvas File in Modules
Ivan's Childhood
1962 95' Canvas File in Modules
Cleo From 5 to 7
1962 90' Canvas File in Modules
Closely Watched Trains
1966 91' Canvas File in Modules
Don't Look Now!
1973 110' Canvas File in Modules
Adoption 1975 83' Canvas File in Modules
A Short Film About Killing 1988 82' Canvas File in Modules
1995 165' Canvas File in Modules
All About My Mother 1999 101' Canvas File in Modules
Amelie 2001 122' Canvas File in Modules
Melancholia 2011 130' Canvas File in Modules
The Lobster 2015 115' Canvas File in Modules
Triangle of Sadness 2022 148' Canvas Files in Modules
Fallen Leaves 2023 81' Watching together
Anatomy of a Fall 2023 151' Canvas Link

Academic Regulations  

Please make sure to read the Academic Regulations on the DIS website. There you will find regulations on: 


DIS - Study Abroad in Scandinavia -

The Lobster (Yorgos Lanthimos, 2015)

Course Summary:

Date Details Due