Course Syllabus

Biology of Marine Mammals A

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Semester & Location:

Fall 2024 - DIS Copenhagen

Type & Credits:

Elective Course - 3 credits

Major Disciplines:

Biology & Environmental Science 


One year of biology at university level.

Faculty Members:

PhD. Katja Vinding Petersen

Time & Place:

Monday & Thursday, 11:40-13:00

Classroom: F24-206

Description of Course

The course “Biology of Marine Mammals” is an introduction to marine mammals. The course will build throughout the semester – you will learn the basics first so you understand the main taxa before discussing them or problems related to specific species.

During the course you will learn that not everything has been fully investigated yet and that some questions remain unanswered. You will also learn that history plays an important role in marine mammal science, which in the forms of evolution, hunting and technology, can help us better understand these animals. The course includes the study of the effect of human activities on marine mammals with special reference to Northern European waters.

Some focus will be on the marine mammals and research in Denmark and a number of prominent researchers within their field of expertise will give guest lectures and provide insight on field studies.

After completing this course, you will be able to relate your knowledge to a broader picture and discuss problems related to marine mammal populations today.

The course includes the following topics:

  1. Introduction to marine mammals
  2. Characteristics and adaptions of Pinnipeds
  3. Characteristics and adaptions of Sirenians
  4. Characteristics and adaptions of Cetaceans
  5. Characteristics and adaptions of Marine fissipeds
  6. Social organization, reproductive strategies and behavior of marine mammals
  7. Sensory systems
  8. Research based on captive animals
  9. Physiology of thermoregulation and energetics
  10. Food and feeding strategies
  11. Diving physiology and oxygen conservation
  12. Historic and modern whaling
  13. Seal hunting and fur trading
  14. Monitoring marine mammals
  15. Genomics and killer whales
  16. Pollutants and impacts on marine mammals with a focus on the Arctic
  17. Diseases
  18. Anatomy and necropsy of a seal
  19. Climate change and impacts on marine mammals
  20. Management and protection of marine mammals
  21. Marine mammals in captivity and applied research

Learning Objectives

 At the end of the course you should be able to:

  1. Classification
    • Be able to describe what unites the marine mammals and why they are grouped together
    • Compare the different taxa of marine mammals and be able to define what characterize the different taxa based on morphological characteristics. eg. What makes a pinniped a pinniped, based on anatomy and morphology.
    • Identify the main evolutionary, physiological, and morphological differences between and within the taxa.
    • Know several species from each taxa and be able to compare these with each other in terms of a number of aspects, such as conservation status, impacts from climate change, common threats, reproductive and feeding strategies.
  2. Evolution and adaptations to an Aquatic Environment (morphology, Anatomy, and Physiology and behavior) which enables marine mammals to live in water. Be able to describe and understand:
    • Outer anatomical adaptations eg body shape
    • Physiological adaptations.
      • Adaptations in their senses
      • What echolocation is and how odontocetes depend on and use it.
      • How to stay warm in the water as a mammal
      • Adaptations related to diving and breath holding
    • Different taxa of marine mammals´ food preferences and their feeding techniques
    • Breeding strategies. Cycles and delayed implantation
    • How the global and local oceanography systems influence the behavior and distribution of marine mammals eg nutrients and upwelling
  3. Environmental and Human Impacts to Marine Mammals
      • Be able to describe which threats marine mammals face
      • Be able to analyze how a number of different threats impacts different marine mammals and be able to create suggestions for new solutions
  4. Management, Protection & Conservation of Marine Mammals
    • Be able to describe how researchers monitor marine mammals and which techniques are preferred for which groups of marine mammals and why.
    • Know the pros. and cons. of keeping marine mammals in captivity and how and why to train the animals while they are in the facilities.
    • Know which laws are in place to protect marine mammals in the US and in Europe
    • Be able to create a conservation plan for an endangered species of marine mammal


Katja Vinding Petersen: Ph.D. (Distribution, habitat use, behavior, and sound communication), Zoology Dept., Whale Unit, University of Pretoria, 2016. M.S. (Biology and Didactics), University of Copenhagen, 2007. Research associate at Statens Serum Institute, Denmark (2012-2016). TV presenter at “Physics at sea”, Galathea 3 Expedition (2008). Has worked with marine mammals in the field in, Iceland, Northern Norway, Greenland, and South Africa. Local stranding responsible In the Overstrand Region, South Africa (2010-2012). Founder of the Danish Maine Mammal Society (2003). With DIS since 2019.

Field Studies

Wednesday 18th of September 13:00-15:30: Danish National Aquarium "Den Blå Planet".

Wednesday 13th of November 9:30-12:30: Necropsy of a Harbour seal


The main text book for the class is:

"Marine Mammals, Evolutionary biology", by Annalisa Berta (Author), James L. Sumich (Author), Kit M. Kovacs (Author). Academic Press 2005. Please pick this book during the Arrivals Workshop

Online link:

This text will be supplemented with chapters from "Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals", Third Edition 3rd Edition by Bernd Würsig (Editor), J.G.M. Thewissen (Editor), Kit M. Kovacs (Editor)

Examples of additional literature:

Castellini, M. Thermoregulation. Pp 1166-1171.. In Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, 2nd. Ed. (W.P. Perrin, B. Würsig and J.G.M. Thewissen, eds.). Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Costa. D. Energetics. PP. 383-390. In Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, 2nd. Ed. (W.P. Perrin, B. Würsig and J.G.M. Thewissen, eds.). Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Williams, T. Swimming. PP. 1140-1147 In Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, 2nd. Ed. (W.P. Perrin, B. Würsig and J.G.M. Thewissen, eds.). Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Kooyman, G. Diving Physiology. PP. 327-332. In Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, 2nd. Ed. (W.P. Perrin, B. Würsig and J.G.M. Thewissen, eds.). Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Dudzinski, K.M et al. Communication. PP. 260-268. In Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, 2nd. Ed. (W.P. Perrin, B. Würsig and J.G.M. Thewissen, eds.). Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Various handouts and papers will also be used.

Guest Lecturers

Guest lecturers will be prominent scientists working on marine mammals in Denmark or Greenland. 

Professor Rune Dietz, Department of Ecoscience, marine mammal research. Aarhus University. His core research area is how contaminants affects marine mammals and he has particularly conducted investigated species in Greenland. He is also part of the monitoring team in Denmark, when tagging and tracking marine mammals.

Dr. Lars Bejder, Director of the Marine Mammal Research Program at the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii at Manoa. He has studied various aspects of cetacean (whale and dolphin) biology, ecology and conservation in New Zealand, Australia, Mexico and US (Hawaii, Florida and California). He is focusing on behavioral ecology analyzing and developing quantitative methods to evaluate complex animal social structures; evaluating impacts of human activity (coastal development, tourism, habitat degradation) on cetaceans.

Approach to Teaching

The classes will be a combination of traditional lectures, dialogue and discussion, role play, small exercises and often video or film to illustrate wild animal behavior or biology.

Expectations of the Students

I expect that you are well prepared before each class. Read the texts, watch the movies before classes and engage while in class.

  • Critically read the assigned readings before class. In the classroom we will not cover all the material in the assigned text, but will focus on key concepts, processes and subjects within the biology of marine mammals
  • Participate during discussions, group work and common ‘sum ups’ during lectures.
  • Ask questions and answer when questions are asked in class
  • Hand in your assignments on time.

Use of electronics in class:

  • Laptop use is not allowed unless specified. Occasionally, I will ask you to search for something, and in these cases internet searches are allowed.
  • The use of mobile phones is not allowed during class. Unless you are asked to use it.
  • No recording of classes, unless approved by Faculty prior to class.

Evaluation and Participation

Evaluation is a combination attendance, small assignments in class and a presentation at the end of the semester.

To be eligible for a passing grade in this class you must complete all of the assigned work.

Participation Covers the Following Areas:

  1. Attendance
  2. Level of preparation and ability to answer questions asked in class
  3. Involvement in class and group discussions
  4. Active participation in field studies
  5. Level of individual research and contribution to discussions
  6. Being on time to all classes, field studies, and handing in papers and assignments on time
  7. Asking questions when you don’t understand or want further explanation of a subject

Participation is evaluated twice during the semester. Based on participation in each classes and field studies, the participation grades from the two periods are used to calculate the final participation at the end of the semester. Good participation equals a grade of A to B+, average participation equals a grade of B to B-, low participation equals a grade C+ or below.






Individual assignments


Small group assignments during classes 




Zoological Museum Report


Necropsy Report 


Presentation at the end of the semester  20%

Academic Regulations  

Please make sure to read the Academic Regulations on the DIS website. There you will find regulations on: 

 DIS - Study Abroad in Scandinavia -

Course Summary:

Date Details Due