Course Syllabus

Swedish Language & Culture I-II

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Credits: Ulf Lundin/

Semester & Location

Fall 2024 - DIS Stockholm

Type & Credits

Elective Course - 6 credits

Major Disciplines

Anthropology, Language


Djina Wilk (current students please use the Canvas Inbox)

Time & Place:

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays, 10.05-11.25

Classroom: Mondays + Thursdays: E509. Tuesdays + Fridays: D411.

Course Description

This course is an integrated language and culture course. We will study different aspects of Swedish culture and we will operate with a complex view on culture through various representations. The focus will be on dominant national narratives, values, and symbolism, which we will approach from both a historical and contemporary perspective.

When studying Swedish language, we will employ a functional and immersive approach. The course will focus on spoken everyday Swedish, reading comprehension and grammar.

The course will explore how culture is reflected in language. By analyzing keywords and concepts and applying appropriate etiquette, you will learn how to navigate a foreign culture.

An important component of the culture part of the course will be your own observations and critical analysis.

Learning Objectives

  • Acquire knowledge and understanding of Swedish culture and society 
  • Ability to speak, read, and understand Swedish on a lower intermediate level 
  • Gain an understanding of connections between language and culture 
  • Enhance intercultural awareness and critical reflection 
  • Develop a sense of belonging 


Your instructor is Djina Wilk (


Language part:

Rivstart A1 + A2 (Natur & Kultur)

Culture material: Texts and podcasts

Akinmande Åkerström, Lola (2017). Lagom - the Swedish Secret of Living Well. Headline Home. [selected pages]

Beery, Thomas (2013) Nordic in nature: friluftsliv and
environmental connectedness, Environmental Education Research, 19:1, 94-117

Berggren, Henrik and Trädgårdh, Lars (2012) Social Trust and Radical Individualism. The Nordic Way. Swedish Institute. pp.13-22.

Brodin, Björn and Pikkarainen, Heidi (2008) Discrimination of the Sami – the rights of the Sami from a discrimination perspective. Online publication, pp. 18-26

Castineira, Angel (2011) Imagined Nations: Personal Identity, National Identity and the Places of Memory. Kingston (Canada): Queen's University. pp. 43-53.

Edwards, Catherine (2018) What’s Behind the Rising Inequality in Sweden’s Schools, and Can It Be Fixed? ”The Local, Published 22 Aug. 2018. 

Imsen, G., Blossing, U., & Moos, L. (2016). Reshaping the Nordic education model in an era of efficiency. Changes in the comprehensive school project in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden since the millennium. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 61(5), [selected pages]

Kramsch, Claire (1998) Language and Cultural Identity. Language and Culture. Oxford University Press. pp. 65-77.

Kramsch, Claire (1998) Relationship of language and culture  Language and Culture. Oxford University Press. pp. 3-14.

Meyer, Erin (2016) The Culture Map. pUBLICAFFAIRS. [selected pages]

Porzucki, Nina (2018) The Three-letter Word That Rocked a Nation. Public Radio International. Originally aired 27 March 2018. 

Savage, Maddy (2022) Sweden´s Pronoun Battle. BBC Witness History. Originally aired 9 Aug 2022. 

Savage, M. (2019, October 9). Jantelagen: Why Swedes won’t talk about wealth. BBC. Online publication.

Skodo, Amir (2018) Sweden: By Turns Welcoming and Restrictive in its Immigration Policy. Online publication

Swahn Jan Öjvin( 2012) Swedish Traditions. Ordaförlaget. [selected chapters]


Other cultural materials:

Selected programs from Swedish public service, both TV and radio.

Selected Swedish movies such as Sameblod and Stöld 

Field Studies 

The class has four mandatory field studies (on Wednesdays), as well as a couple of optional cultural excursions (during weekends). The purpose of the field studies and the cultural excursions is to use Stockholm’s cultural resources and Stockholm city as our extended DIS classroom. Material covered during the field studies will be included in assignments and classrooms discussions. The cultural excursions connects more to visual or audio impressions of  specific aspects of Sweden and Swedish society.

The four mandatory Field studies are:

  • Wednesday, August 28 at 13.30-16.00: City walk plus guided tour at the Royal Castle
  • Wednesday, October 2 at 13:00 - 16.30: TBA
  • Wednesday, November 13 at 9.00 - 12.30: TBA
  • Wednesday, November 20 at 08.30-12.30: Guided tour at the City Hall plus a visit to the Nobelmuseum

Optional cultural excursions: Sunday, September 22, at 11.00- 15.00: Lake and forest hike plus vegan BBQ in Nacka nature reserve. Sunday, December, at 16.00-17.30: Swedish Lucia concert/Xmas concert

Guest Lecturers

This course has 2-3 guest lectures throughout the semester. TBA

Approach to Teaching & Expectations of the Students

The teaching style of this class is interactive. You are expected to actively participate in class discussion, to have done the readings and other homework, and come to class with notes, questions and relevant observations.

Learning a language is hard word and requires a lot of commitment. The ambition is to create a classroom culture in which everyone feels at ease trying to pronounce the unfamiliar Swedish sounds and words.

Engaged participation is an integrated part of the class and will be a large part of the course evaluation. Participating in class discussion requires a high level of preparation and a voluntary contribution of knowledge and ideas. In addition, when speaking Swedish or discussing the connection between language and culture it is important to meet the level of preparation required to be an active participant.


How to get a good grade:

  • Get involved! Use your Swedish, meaning the language as well as your historical and cultural knowledge outside the classroom - the more the better. The more you know the more you see and experience.

  • Use the knowledge and insight obtained in class through readings, lectures and discussions to enrich your study abroad experience and to start fun, thought-provoking and interesting discussions with Danes.

  • Get organized! Notice all due dates assignment, set aside time to prepare for tests, papers etc., especially at the end of the semester.

  • Prepare for class! Studying a language is like taking care of a new and vulnerable plant, it needs constant attention, water and sunshine in order to grow.

  • Participate! Practice your language in a “safe” environment and get relevant feedback, this is essential in improving. Sharing your thoughts and ideas in class is one of the best tools for developing your analytical skills.





Engaged Participation 

30 %

Throughout the course


10 % 3 October

Cultural Assignments

35 %

Suburban project: 27 September 

Cultural journal: 14 November

Cultural essay: 12 December

Final Exams

25 %

Written exam: 5 December

Oral exam:  9 December


Engaged participation 

You are expected to be well-prepared for class and to be very engaged in the classrooms discussions and exercises, both in regard to language and culture. Also, you are expected to actively participate actively on all four field studies during the semester. Further detailed guideline will be provided in class.



You are expected to write a Midterm exam in Swedish language. The Written midterm will test your language skills in the chapters in DIS Svenska dealt with in the first part of the semester. Further detailed guidelines will be provided in class.


Cultural assignments

You are expected to present on a suburb in Stockholm (in English). You are also expected to write 7 entries in a cultural journal throughout the fall. Lastly, you are expected to write one academic paper in regard to Swedish culture and Swedish society (in English). The topics for this cultural essay is related to topics dealt with in regard to cultural part of the course Further detailed guidelines will be provided in class and will aslo be on Canvas.



You are expected to write a Final exam in Swedish language. This Final written exam (10 %) will test your written language skills gained from the whole semester but with emphasis on the last couple of chapters dealt with in class. Further detailed guidelines will be provided in class.

As a part of the Finals, you are also expected to complete an oral Final exam in Swedish language (15 %). This Final oral exam will test your oral language skills gained from the whole semester but with emphasis on the last couple of chapters dealt with in class. Further detailed guidelines will be provided in class.


Late Papers / Assignments

All late submissions will be reduced by half a letter grade for each day late unless you have communicated with me before the deadline and have received permission to submit your work late. 

Electronic Technologies

Laptops/tablets/iPads/phones are not permitted to be open and in-use during class unless we are working on specified tasks. Mobile phones must be silenced during class. If you need your device for note-taking, let's talk. 

Academic Regulations  

DIS expects that students abide by the highest standards of intellectual honesty in all academic work. DIS assumes that all students do their own work and correctly credit all work or thought taken from others. Academic dishonesty will result in a final course grade of F and may result in dismissal. Your home institutions will be notified. DIS reserves the right to require that written student assignments be submitted electronically for scanning by plagiarism detection software. Please speak with me if you have any questions.

Please make sure to read the Academic Regulations on the DIS website. There you will find regulations on: 


Course Summary:

Date Details Due