Course Syllabus

Danish Language and Culture Intermediate A

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Semester & Location:

Spring 2020 - DIS Copenhagen

Type & Credits:

Elective Course - 3 credits

Major Disciplines:

Anthropology, Language

Faculty Member:

Tina Bacher - 

Assistant Program Director:

Sanne Rasmussen - 

Time & Place:

Tuesday & Friday, 10:05 - 11:25 in V10-B10


Description of Course   

We build on language acquired in a previous semester or through experience and continue working intensively with the spoken everyday language and more complex written texts. Literature, newspaper articles, TV series, movies, music, politics, and cultural issues are discussed in class. Furthermore, your personal experience while living in Denmark is one of the cornerstones of the class. The aim is to help you gain the experience of being an active participant in the Danish society rather than just a tourist passing by.

In the language portion of the course, we will focus on listening and reading comprehension, speaking, writing, and cultural literacy. We use a task-based communicative approach to language learning. This recognizes that we gain the ability to communicate through various tasks in a language both through exposure to the language and active practice in - or review of - the language. Throughout the semester, you will be exposed to new vocabulary and grammar while also reviewing previous covered structures and words. 

The cultural element of the course will take you through Danish culture in a broad sense from elements of Danish history and literature to insights into the Danish concept of equality and the particular Danish humor.   

The course focuses on providing as much input in Danish as possible through various means - from the teacher, classroom activities, audio, the internet, and video in order to help you advance in a high pace in both language and culture.  


Learning Objectives 

The course aim is for the student to be able to describe, explain and discuss in a rich and functional Danish with grammatical accuracy and with confidence, while applying the proper cultural sensitivities relevant to Danish society. This includes: 

  • understanding and contributing to conversations on familiar and new topics  
  • being able to understand more abstract topics related to social or cultural themes covered in the course material 
  • ability to express your opinion and make arguments orally and in writing 
  • understand and use the fundamentals in Danish pronunciation 
  • acquire a higher level of cultural and linguistic awareness


Course Instructor 

Tina Bacher holds an MA (cand.mag) in French and Culture Journalism from Copenhagen University, modules in Danish as a second language. Tina has worked as a Danish instructor for 10 years, mainly with Studieskolen, a prominent language school in Copenhagen, as well as at other language schools and in her own company in parallel. Tina has worked with DIS as an Associate Professor of “Danish Language and Culture” since spring 2018. Speaks English and French, elementary proficiency of German, Swedish and Norwegian. Translator for the State Department and interpreter for the Danish Police. Tina has a background as a business consultant in local businesses and tourism. 


Required Readings

Andersen, Hans Christian, Den grimme ælling, Klingbjerg, 2011  

Kierkegaard, SørenEnten-eller (uddrag), Gyldendal, 2013  

Jessen Freja BechRødstrømpen: Den næste kvindekamp bør vende sig udad - ikke indad, Kristligt dagblad. 2015 

Lundquist, Lita, artikel: Humor – helt seriøst (uddrag), Weekendavisen 2012    


Course Resources

Audio Files and Online Worksheets

In the Canvas course Danish Language Resources, you will find audio files and online worksheets that you can use to practice vocabulary, phrases, pronunciation, and grammar throughout the semester. In your textbook DIS DANSK I, the texts with complementary audio files are marked with a headphone symbol. 

Online Dictionary:

DIS has a subscription to Ordbogen, a Danish-English/English-Danish online dictionary. Go to and follow the instructions that you have received directly from


Evaluation and Grading



Engaged Participation  


Cultural Assignments 


Oral Final Exam  


Written Final Exam 



Active participation in class and preparation ahead of time are crucial for practicing your skills and for being successful in this course. It is not sufficient to simply be present in class. Your participation will be graded according to your active participation during classes.  

All homework assignments are due on the day assigned by your instructor. Late homework will not be accepted.  

Throughout the semester there will be different quizzes, worksheets, presentations and assignments which will be part of the overall evaluation of your work and participation in class. Some of these will be graded and some will be included in your participation grade.  


Approach to Teaching and Expectations of the Student

To achieve the goals of the course requires a regular practice of the language, both in class and individually, and a willingness to experiment with different tasks as well as new patterns of sounds and words.  

 You are responsible for much of your own learning: your continuous participation, and regular attendance are a vital part of your commitment to learning and progress. The quality of language learning will depend largely on the amount and quality of your effort.  

Engaged participation is an integrated part of class and will be a large part of the course evaluation. Participating in class discussion requires a high level of preparation and a voluntary contribution of knowledge and ideas. In addition, when speaking Danish or discussing the connection between language and culture it is important to meet the level of preparation required to be an active participant.  


Academic Regulations    

Please make sure to read the Academic Regulations. on the DIS website. There you will find regulations on:  


DIS - Study Abroad in Scandinavia - 


Course Summary:

Date Details Due